Saturday, March 19, 2011

Progress at Body Shop

Here's a few photos from loading the car and delivering it to the body shop on 3/5:

As you can see, my son Joe helped me get the car on the trailer.  Everything went well except it was slightly drizzling so the bare metal from bead blasting did get a little wet. 

Then today 3/19 I visited the body shop to see how Darrell was progressing.  Coming along OK, he's focused so far on the upper portions of the body work plus getting ready to weld in the floors and rear arches.  For the rear arches he plans to "filet" portions of the new arch into portions of the old arch, that way he can retain a lot of the metal around the door pillar and avoid getting into alignment issues with the pillar.  Here's a decent shot of what I mean:

This is the original wheel arch yet, the "holes" are sections where we will weld in metal from the new part, around the arch plus the rotted out section at the very bottom.

He did a nice job on repairing the area on the passenger side where the windshield mounted, this was pretty messed up for some reason:

Then here's a before view of the worst part of the floorboard challenge, the passenger side:

Three of the four brackets on the inner sills to mount the body to the frame were fine, but this one is missing about 90% of the bracket portion which Darrell will have to replace.